Thing 11: Reflective Practice


Your Tasks for This Thing Are:

  • Write about how you are managing your time during this course.

I found this course back in July whilst trying to get my head around CILIP Chartership criteria. My first thought was this would be a suitable edition to my portfolio. Without writing a plan I dived into both at the same time which on reflection was a mistake.

Sometimes at the start of things I tend to get over ambitious and try and take on too much, only to realise a few weeks in I am ‘doing time’ at the computer, but achieving very little!

Hence, this blog is called maggiechartership but the title is Rudai 23 Things. I was originally going to make this a Chartership blog, with a category included for Rudai 23 – as part of overall submission. The scope was far too wide and didn’t allow for manageable chunks of learning to take place and build upon.

As a result a lot of time was wasted and I have now set myself the goal of writing at least one blog a day and sticking to it.

I have put my evaluative statement for Chartership to one side and decided it is far more practical to use my time on softer less taxing research in this area,  in the form of conversations with other candidates on FB and Twitter, reading through the CILIP VLE, printing off materials and filing them in order for ‘to do’ later.

By managing time this way I’ve found a way to work on both projects, by prioritising Rudai 23 for now and setting a target for blogs to complete. Using time on softer learning tasks enabled me to prioritise and still work towards both goals.